Eckstein. The most cost-effective and best way to donate to Israel and for IFCJ to process your gift is through our secure online donation form. org . Blessed are You, LORD, who restores souls to lifeless bodies. Chicago, IL 60601. ·. That the no-shame Reynolds takes home an annual salary of around $230,000 is bad enough (and properly tells you all you need to know about where your donations are going). “We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). 4 billion accumulated since 1983). The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, Chicago, Illinois. Today, Jerusalem Day, Yom Yerushalayim, is an Israeli national holiday celebrating God’s Holy City, and His miracles that reunified Jerusalem after the June 1967 Six-Day War. Discover the meaning of biblical freedom from the devotional teachings of Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein. Here is an excerpt from the Jerusalem Post ’s interview:Freedom Fighters. In summation, IFCJ appears to primarily raise money to support Jewish organizations, both in the US and in Israel. Hilton created the foundation that bears his. Read More. March 27, 2023. 00. Archeological findings reveal that the Seven Species of Israel were also a common decorative motif found in ancient architecture, seals, rings, and coffins, implying that they were much more than simple foods. When war erupted in Ukraine one year ago, The Fellowship was there to help. Protecting religious liberty is an important facet of IFCJ’s work since its inception 35 years ago. There’s a biblical concept that says: God creates the cure before he creates the disease. Yael Eckstein Networth 2022. Bishop Lanier’s education reflects the ecumenical. The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is the leading non-profit building bridges between Christians and Jews, blessing Israel and the Jewish people around the world with humanitarian care and lifesaving aid. We ensure that salaries, including the salary of our President and CEO, Yael Eckstein, are fair within the non-profit space. We love praying for you, our treasured. 25 Million. In this special edition of Nourish Your Biblical Roots recorded at the National Religious Broadcasters convention, join host Bishop Paul Lanier, Fellowship Board Chairman, as he talks with Rev. , to discuss the ancient and timeless Exodus story for both Christians and Jews, and its relevance today for people of. The only time she dares leave her home during this pandemic is to travel to another city for cancer treatments. The Elie Wiesel Foundation operates two Beit Tzipora Centers for Study and Enrichment, school. We continue with devotional thoughts from the Book of Proverbs every Friday. “I strongly believe that supporting Israel is one of the most meaningful things a believer can do. Donate to Israel and her people through your best gift today. This extraordinary document states, “By virtue of our natural and historic right and on the strength of the resolution of. Hilton Foundation. In the past 15 years, the organization had contributed between $10 million and $12 million a year to the. ”. The first International Day of Prayer and Solidarity with Israel mobilizes millions of Christians around the world to pray for Israel. At the end of the day we will gather by phone or “meet” online for the “Fellowship Fast Relection & Prayer Service” for a time of shared prayer requests, spiritual insights,"Large numbers of single adult illegal immigrants are being released and transported into the U. "My life is one big miracle", says Leonid Cherniakov, an 88-year-old man from Ukraine now living in Israel. This number represents the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. Judaism insists, however, that repenting, fasting, and praying atone only for those sins between man and God. 628 likes · 97 talking about this · 2 were here. Nearly 13% of operating public charities reported spending nothing for management and general expenses (Source: The Nonprofit Overhead Cost Study), and further. Bishop Paul Francis Lanier serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors for The Fellowship. June 14, 2023. Fundraising. On today’s program, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein teaches us that Hanukkah is one of the most popular and well-known Jewish holidays. The Fellowship is committed to extending biblical compassion to the. On May 14, 1948, the fifth day of the month of Iyar on the Jewish calendar, Jewish leaders gathered in Tel Aviv to sign the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel —Israel’s Declaration of Independence. To many observers, the victory was nothing short of a miracle, leading to the reunification of Jerusalem under Jewish rule for the first time in nearly 2,000 years. Keep a record of your donations and regularly review your credit card account to make sure you weren’t charged more than you agreed to give or unknowingly signed up for a recurring donation. We are not calling this list the “Highest Paid Christian Ministry Executives” because we know that many pastors and other church leaders who might make more are not on this list, because churches are not. Rabbi Eckstein (Z"L) passed away last year. Scammers often mimic the names of familiar, trusted organizations to deceive donors. Miryam’s two disabled sons cannot help her, as they too need constant medical care. org | page 2 An Overview T he joyous festival of Hanukkah begins on the 25th of the Jewish month of Kislev, which usually falls during December. The religion began over 1,000 years ago, branching off from Islam. “Fifteen years ago, we set out to awaken the sleeping. What Is the Biblical Fast? In the Bible and throughout the centuries, God’s people have practiced the spiritual discipline of fasting during times of need and times of holy observances. Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, president of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, received an annual salary of $824,000 last year, according to a tax return that the nonprofit organization filed in the United States. What Is the Jewish Prayer Shawl? On today’s program, Fellowship President and CEO Yael Eckstein explains the significance of the Jewish prayer shawl as a symbol of the Jews’ devotion to God and His Word. Yael Eckstein Networth 2020. The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) is a tax-exempt, non-profit 501 (c) 3 founded by a rabbi in 1983 as a way to “bless Israel and the Jewish people around the world with humanitarian. Stay informed about issues affecting Israel, the Jewish people, Jewish-Christian. 8%, nearly half, in donating food. In spite of all the good work that father and daughter appear to do, I'm not so keen on evangelical Christians perhaps using this charity to send a message of Christian conversion to Jews. Like its sister organization in the U. " CharityWatch "is the pit bull of watchdogs. Every year since has been slightly less than the year before. Program for the 2021 Powerful by Faith! Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Your gift will provide. The estimated total pay for a Manager at International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is $85,921 per year. Islam is the official religion in Jordan. In 2019, the year the elder Eckstein died, his total compensation jumped to roughly $3 million, which an IFCJ spokesperson, Shavit Greenberg, said was due to a death benefit paid out to his widow. 7 hours ago · The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews has marked its 100th flight bringing Ukrainian Jewish refugees to Israel since Russia invaded the European nation in February 2022. An IFCJ video assures donors that “You Can Help Fulfill Biblical Prophecy” by donating to the aliyah of Jews from the former Soviet Union. That’s the essence of worship and sacrifice. The IFCJ has brought 5,500 immigrants to Israel via Chisinau (formerly known as Kishinev), Moldova, ranging in age from four months old to 100 years old. View similar charities CharityIf our children are to live godly lives, they will need the courage to choose what is right over what is popular and to favor what pleases God over what impresses others. Charity Contributions: International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Chicago, IL. Since founding IFCJ 25 years ago, Eckstein has been a lightning rod both for being the first prominent Jewish figure to cultivate ties with evangelical Christians and for what critics charge is an. Follow Yael on Facebook. After reviewing the sourced information presented below — please. Yael Eckstein is president and CEO of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (also referred to as IFCJ or The Fellowship). Sign UpWhat is Hanukkah? December 3, 2018. org. Likewise, on Passover, as we pray for the ultimate redemption, we ask Elijah to join us. Its primary focus was to promote dialogue. It would take a miracle for the light to continue to shine and would take a rededication in the hearts of the entire Jewish nation to love and worship God above all. Some observers put IFCJ’s fundraising costs at as high as 39% after adjusting the accounting information to more realistically reflect the ministry’s actual fundraising costs. To show your support for Israel and America’s bond, two shining lights of democracy and freedom, request your complimentary US-Israel flag pin today. For Israelis, the affinity of President Donald Trump’s evangelical supporters for the Jewish state has been a bonanza. This is a scam charity which will never send you the various "freebies" it promotes. Many Holocaust survivors are in need of support and live solely on meager pensions – having to make the impossible choice every day between buying food and other essentials like. I have been seeing a lot on Facebook which prompted me to bring out this article once again. Harold studied ethics at Duke and earned an MBA at Stanford. The estimated total pay for a Director at International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is $108,723 per year. Jews and Christians - Business Information. The boxes include fresh produce, matzah, canned food, salt, sugar, matzah flour, mayonnaise, wine, and juice. Jewish-Christian NPO Paid Exec $824,000 Salary. An entirely different synagogue liturgy is used every year only on this day. Today, thousands of elderly Jews who miraculously escaped death during the Holocaust are living out their final years in poverty and isolation. On her father's death, Yael Eckstein became IFCJ's president. As belongs to a somehow popular Fundraising niche, we tried to snap a short phrase from their website to see what they feature about. Below is a list of highly paid Christian ministry executives. IFCJ's humanitarian efforts support orphans, families, and Holocaust survivors both in Israel and the countries of the former Soviet Union, assists with security in Israel, and provides aliyah. In the wake of tragedies large and small, they pop up like mushrooms after a rain. So whether all believers in the God of Israel, Jews and Christians alike, see. It’s the return of Jews to the land of Israel from the diaspora (Jewish communities outside of Israel). Every child is the most beautiful child there is in the world . Your generous gift of $25 helps provide food, medicine, and comfort to God’s precious people. He founded Hope Community Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, in 1990 with his wife, Debbie. One commercial is asking for donations to help elderly Holocaust survivors in the former Soviet Union. They’ve been married for 37 years and are the proud parents of two grown children, Kaylyn and Paul. Learn Our History, the company that former Arkansas Gov. He shows Jews…Though officials at IFCJ (ifcj. While Hanukkah is a special celebration for Jewish people, it is not a Holy Day. Upper management was vindictive with each other and other staff. Jordan is one of the first Arab states to recognize Israel. IFCJ Scam? Most likely you landed on this page because you a have seen the commercials for the organization called the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews or IFCJ and you are wondering – "is the IFCJAt the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ or The Fellowship), President Yael Eckstein knows that compensation is important. Explore what we offer our network and join. Inspired by God’s promise in Genesis 12:3 to bless those who bless Israel, Eckstein’s International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) worked for decades to improve relationships between. “My children were unbelievable. Helpful. The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews strengthens Israel and Her people. Bishop Lanier shares his insights on how The Fellowship for 40 years has been able to respond to the most desperate human crisis. There is an opinion among the Jewish sages that the messiah cannot arrive on the Sabbath, and so as soon as the Sabbath ends, the first thing we do is pray for Elijah to come in order to bring the messiah immediately. It is the only ritual commanded by God in the Ten. — Deuteronomy 26:1-2. Gov. As part of The Fellowship’s Passover outreach, we are distributing 5,000 food boxes in partnership with the Yad B’Yad organization. Prophecy – What It Is, and What It Isn’t. . Check back every day to learn more Hebrew words, phrases, and proper pronunciations. As President and CEO of The Fellowship, Yael Eckstein oversees all ministry programs and serves as the international spokesperson. Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews urges us to give $25 to provide Holocaust survivors with a loaf of bread, a blanket and medicine. That’s why He commanded them. If you have any morals whatsoever you will not help these people line their own pockets with money they take from trusting but naive and dirt-poor Americans. The Hebrew word for immigrants is Olim. She was born in Evanston, Illinois, and raised in Chicago. The IFCJ has a mission to promote understanding between Christians and Jews, build support for Israel, and create a relationship marked by dialogue and respect. ”. 2 million, Eckstein’s compensation is more than double what the president of World Vision—a ministry with a budget 10 times larger. The IFCJ is known for airing infomercials on radio and TV pleading with Christians to support their programs of bringing Jewish people from the former Soviet Union, the Ukraine, and Ethiopia back to Israel, and feeding and helping the poor in Israel. And the traditional Sabbath greeting is “S habbat Shalom. A Jewish girl, Esther, found favor in his eyes and became. The Fellowship | April 10, 2023. The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is the leading nonprofit building bridges between Christians and Jews, blessing Israel and the Jewish people around the world with humanitarian care and lifesaving aid. Linda Lampkin, resource director for the Economic Research Institute office in Washington, D. It celebrates two miracles—a great Jewish military victory and a miraculous supply of oil for the Temple. What is the Significance of the Tabernacle? March 1, 2021. The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) promotes understanding between Christians and Jews, builds broad support for Israel, and. Israel's army and Palestinian militants exchanged heavy cross-border fire on Wednesday, with hundreds of rockets launched from Gaza towards Israel after the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) carried out. $32,101,440. Web: IFCJ. IFCJ’s On Wings of Eagles program, working through Keren Hayesod and the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI), funds aliyah (immigration to Israel for needy Jews around the world, and provides them with klitah (resettlement) assistance to help ensure that they become full, productive citizens of Israel8 Crazy Things John Hagee Actually Said. Writing for The Times of Israel, Gabe Friedman explains who Ukraine’s Jewish people are, where they live, and what they are going. She seeks to elevate the organization and the mission of The Fellowship by compensating her team in a way that is commensurate with their experience and contribution. Yael. The goal of the Torah is not merely knowledge or spiritual transcendence; it is about incorporating biblical principles into your life and becoming an honest, kind, and caring person. As president and CEO of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship), Yael Eckstein leads all ministry programs and serves as international spokesperson for the organization, which is the largest provider of humanitarian aid in Israel. Passover commemorates the seminal event in Jewish history — the story of the Exodus which led to the birth of the Jewish nation, Israel. Get updates on breaking news, ways to get involved, and the impact of your support. The Druze religion and community are often perceived as secretive or as a bit of a mystery to those on the outside. Shalom. Discover the many spiritual lessons Christians can learn from this special eight-day holiday that Jesus celebrated (John 10:22) in this Bible study. The current crisis has forced American Jewish organizations to focus tremendous additional resources on the severe and growing. While the salary and benefit package of the head of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (ICFJ) is at least five times higher than any other leader of an Israel-related ministry, clocking in at $1. . While these are the two main holy days, the High Holiday season also. 00 a month from my credit card Chicago Illinois. Author: Denver. However, when the head of the charity is taking $1. Net Assets. In conversational Hebrew, shalom also means both hello and goodbye. 2019 revenue was $117-million. "Fox News footage shows. Public charities. They were the best. When we ask someone how they are doing, we say “ ma shlomcha ?”. What Matters the Most. The IFCJ said that millions of people owe their gratitude to Eckstein, whose legacy was “the construction of bridges between the Christian and Evangelical communities in the United States and elsewhere in the world. Founded in 1983 by Rabbi. , calculated the average direct compensation for executive directors at similar-sized religious organizations and found Eckstein’s pay is well above the average. <strong>We're sorry but this page doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled.